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Benefícios do propolis à saude

Science and Health

Ian Guedes, Mar 25th, 2024

Benefícios do propolis à saude
  • Benefits
  • Vitamins

Curiosities and Benefits of Propolis

Discover the healing properties of propolis, a gift from bees for health.

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A Treasure from Bees:

Propolis, a resinous substance rich in bioactive compounds, is produced by bees to protect the hive. But its benefits go beyond hive protection: propolis is a true natural ally for human health!

Powerful Antibacterial and Antiviral:

With antibacterial and antiviral properties, propolis fights infections, flu, and colds, as well as strengthens the immune system.

A Shield Against Inflammation:

Its anti-inflammatory action helps reduce pain and swelling, being useful in the treatment of inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and gingivitis.

Accelerated Healing:

Propolis promotes the healing of wounds and burns, aiding in the recovery of damaged tissues.

Oral Health Ally:

Effective in combating plaque and cavities, propolis prevents oral diseases and maintains mouth health.

More Benefits:

Propolis also acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells against oxidative damage, and can help control allergies and autoimmune diseases.


  • Bees collect resins from various plants to produce propolis, resulting in different colors and flavors.
  • The composition of propolis varies according to the region and the time of year.
  • Propolis was used in ancient Egypt to treat wounds and infections.

How to Use Propolis in Daily Life:

  • Propolis in drops: Consume pure or diluted in water or juice.
  • Propolis in capsules: A practical option for those seeking regular dosage.
  • Propolis spray: Ideal for topical use in the throat and mouth.
  • Creams and ointments with propolis: Useful for the treatment of wounds and burns.

Tips for Introducing Propolis into Your Routine:

  • Start with low doses and observe your body's reaction.
  • Consult a doctor or nutritionist to determine the ideal dosage.
  • Pregnant women, lactating mothers, and people with allergies should consult a professional before use.

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Ian Guedes

Graduated in Psychology, Systems Development and MBA in Business Management from FGV, I am a constant learner, passionate about languages.

#Technology #Agile #Dev


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