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Thermonator cachorro lança chamas

Science and Health

Ian Guedes, Apr 25th, 2024

Thermonator cachorro lança chamas
  • Technology
  • Nature

In the USA it is now possible to buy the Thermonator, the Flamethrower Robot Dog

The American company Throwflame announced the launch of its most recent product, the Thermonator, a robot equipped with an integrated launcher, which is already being marketed in the USA.

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Imagine a dog-shaped robot capable of shooting flames up to 9 meters away. Well, the American company Throwflame has turned that idea into reality with the Thermonator. This four-legged robot, powered by a gasoline tank and equipped with ARC ignition, can be remotely controlled and even has laser aiming for greater precision.

In addition, the Thermonator comes equipped with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for smartphone control, offering even a first-person view for navigation. With a LiDAR sensor, it can detect obstacles and identify targets, becoming a versatile tool in various situations.

Although it may sound like something out of a science fiction movie, the Thermonator is a reality and is already available for purchase in the United States. The company suggests a variety of uses for the robot, including wildfire control, agriculture, environmental conservation, ice and snow removal, as well as entertainment and special effects.

The price of the Thermonator is $9,420 and is subject to different state regulations in the US. While most states do not have specific restrictions for flamethrowers, California and Maryland have their own policies, with range limitations and licensing requirements.

Source: Throwflame

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Ian Guedes

Graduated in Psychology, Systems Development and MBA in Business Management from FGV, I am a constant learner, passionate about languages.

#Technology #Agile #Dev


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