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livro antigo biblia passado


Ian Guedes, Mar 22nd, 2024

livro antigo biblia passado
  • Religion

Secrets of the Bible: 5 Curiosities You Never Imagined

Discover intriguing facts about the Bible that defy logic.

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Immerse yourself in a universe of mysteries and revelations. Discover intriguing facts about the Bible that defy logic and sharpen your faith.

1. The Bible the Devil Wrote:

  • Macabre manuscript or ingenious hoax? Uncover the story behind the "Devil's Bible" and its obscure secrets.
  • Curiosity: Written on 13 pages of human parchment, the Codex Gigas is an enigma that still intrigues scholars today.
  • Fact: The "Devil's Bible" was auctioned for $30 million in 2007, becoming one of the most expensive books in the world.

2. The Curse of the Third Translation:

  • Discover the legend that haunts Bible translators and the secrets behind the curse that surrounds them.
  • Fact: William Tyndale, translator of the Bible into English, was burned at the stake for his work.
  • Curiosity: John Wycliffe, another translator, had his bones exhumed and burned 44 years after his death.

3. The Truth About the Number 666:

  • Unravel the real meaning of the number 666 and how it became associated with the devil.
  • Curiosity: The number 666 does not appear in the Bible as "the number of the beast" in all translations.
  • Fact: The meaning of the number 666 is a subject of debate among theologians and historians.

4. Science in the Bible:

  • Discover the scientific prophecies of the Bible that defy logic and prove its divine origin.
  • Curiosity: The expansion of the universe, the formation of stars, and the nature of light were prophesied in the Bible.
  • Fact: Renowned scientists acknowledge the prescience of the Bible in various fields of knowledge.

5. Incredible Animals of the Bible:

  • Meet the most curious animals of the Bible and their fascinating stories.
  • Curiosity: Behemoth and Leviathan, giant sea monsters, are mentioned in the book of Job.
  • Fact: The ant, the hare, and the hippopotamus are examples of animals that teach valuable lessons in the Bible.

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#bible #curiosities #history #discoveries #faith

Ian Guedes

Graduated in Psychology, Systems Development and MBA in Business Management from FGV, I am a constant learner, passionate about languages.

#Technology #Agile #Dev


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