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O Código da Vinci trouxe a tona a teoria da familia de Jesus


Ian Guedes, Apr 27th, 2024

O Código da Vinci trouxe a tona a teoria da familia de Jesus
  • Conspiracy
  • Catholicism

The Theory of the Jesus Family in Light of the 'Da Vinci Code'

Since the controversial best-seller "The Da Vinci Code", the idea that Jesus has a family has intrigued and challenged traditional beliefs. Is it possible that the Philho de Deus has also been a husband and father?

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The figure of Jesus Christ, central to Christianity, has always been surrounded by mysteries and questions. One of the most intriguing doubts concerns his personal life: Was Jesus married and had children? This theory, although contested by the Catholic Church, finds echo in various studies and successful cultural products, such as the famous "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown.

What the books say about the topic:

  • The Silence of the Canonical Gospels: The official gospels of the Bible, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, do not mention Jesus' marriage or children. This gap fuels alternative theories.
  • Apocryphal Gospels: Christian texts not recognized by the Catholic Church, such as the Gospel of Philip, suggest the existence of a wife for Jesus, often identified as Mary Magdalene.
  • "Brothers" of Jesus: The New Testament mentions "brothers" of Jesus, which sparks debates about their nature: blood brothers or just cousins and close friends.

Truth or Fiction?

True or false? The gaps about Jesus' life, the lack of reliable historical sources about his person, and the refusal of the Catholic Church to accept other gospels besides the canonical ones are a fertile ground for the emergence of these theories. It also doesn't help that some passages of the official Gospels suggest that Jesus had brothers, a fact that, according to experts, contradicts Mary's perpetual virginity but opens the door to the possibility that Jesus also had a wife and children. Anyway, to resolve these questions, the doctors have the Church.

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Remember: The pursuit of knowledge and the exchange of ideas are essential tools for our individual and collective journey.

Ian Guedes

Graduated in Psychology, Systems Development and MBA in Business Management from FGV, I am a constant learner, passionate about languages.

#Technology #Agile #Dev


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