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Numeros lost loteria brasil


Ian Guedes, May 7th, 2024

Numeros lost loteria brasil

    Mysterious numbers that appear in Lost are drawn in Mega-Sena

    Five of the six numbers that appear in the TV series were drawn in the Brazilian lottery, in Mega's 2,720 contest.

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    Lost series numbers bring luck to Mega-Sena bettors in Brazil

    Remember those mysterious numbers that appeared in the Lost series and that some characters believed to be cursed? Well, those numbers almost made a lot of people in Brazil rich!

    Last Saturday, Mega-Sena contest 2720 drew the numbers 08-15-16-23-42-43, which closely match the order of the famous series sequence: 4-8-15-16-23-42. And guess what? 2,967 bettors across Brazil hit the quina and won R$ 1,878.49 each!

    This isn't the first time that Lost numbers have brought luck to someone. In 2011, 26,000 series fans in the United States each won $150 by playing the sequence in a local contest.

    In the series, the numbers follow the character Hugo "Hurley" Reyes, who after winning $114 million in the lottery, sees his life turn into chaos: his grandfather dies, a priest is struck by lightning at the funeral, the factory where he works catches fire, his mother's house burns down, his brother is abandoned by his girlfriend, and he himself is arrested for drug trafficking.

    All these misfortunes lead him to travel to Australia in search of answers about the "curse," and that's where he ends up on the mysterious island where the series takes place.

    Within the Lost story, the sequence is explained as part of the Valenzetti Equation, created to predict the end of the world. Later, we find out that the numbers were part of the plans of a character named Jacob to find his successor.

    Despite all this mystical history, the series creators never clarified whether the sequence was really cursed or if Hurley's bad luck was just a coincidence. But one thing is certain: the numbers brought luck to a lot of people in Brazil!

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    Ian Guedes

    Graduated in Psychology, Systems Development and MBA in Business Management from FGV, I am a constant learner, passionate about languages.

    #Technology #Agile #Dev


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