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beneficios do inhame na saude

Science and Health

Ian Guedes, Mar 27th, 2024

beneficios do inhame na saude
  • Benefits
  • Vitamins

Benefits of Yam

Discover the incredible health benefits of yam and delve into fascinating facts about this versatile tuber.

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Yam, often underestimated, is a health treasure worthy of attention. Besides being delicious, this tuber offers a range of nutritional and therapeutic benefits. Here are some interesting facts you might not know about yam:

  • 1. Rich in Nutrients: Yam is an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins such as A, C, and B complex, as well as minerals like potassium and manganese.
  • 2. Improves Digestion: Thanks to its high fiber content, yam helps promote digestive health, preventing constipation and promoting intestinal regularity.
  • 3. Strengthens the Immune System: The vitamins and minerals present in yam, especially vitamin C, help strengthen the immune system, combating flu and colds.
  • 4. Anti-inflammatory Properties: Yam contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce inflammation in the body, contributing to the prevention of chronic diseases.
  • 5. Regulates Blood Sugar: Studies show that yam can help control blood sugar levels, being an important ally for people with diabetes or pre-diabetes.
  • 6. Supports Cardiovascular Health: The potassium present in yam helps regulate blood pressure, while the fibers contribute to reducing cholesterol, thus promoting heart health.
  • 7. Varied Culinary Options: Besides being healthy, yam is versatile in the kitchen. It can be consumed boiled, baked, fried, or even transformed into delicious soups and purees.

With so many benefits, it's time to include yam in your diet regularly. Try out new recipes and enjoy all its health benefits!

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Ian Guedes

Graduated in Psychology, Systems Development and MBA in Business Management from FGV, I am a constant learner, passionate about languages.

#Technology #Agile #Dev


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