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Capivaras Animais Silvestres


Ian Guedes, Mar 22nd, 2024

Capivaras Animais Silvestres

    Discover everything about capybaras

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    Featured Capybaras: Recent News about the World's Largest Rodents

    1. Capybara Invades Home and Surprises Family in Mato Grosso

    A family in Mato Grosso do Sul experienced unusual moments last week when they found a capybara inside their house. The animal, apparently seeking shelter from the rain, entered through the front door and climbed onto a bed, causing great surprise to the residents. Fortunately, no one was harmed, and the capybara was rescued unharmed by agents of the Environmental Police.

    2. Limeira Court Orders Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Test on Capybaras

    In response to the increase in cases of Rocky Mountain spotted fever in the city of Limeira, in the interior of São Paulo, the court ordered the Municipality to perform tests on capybaras to identify possible disease hotspots. The measure aims to prevent new cases and ensure the safety of the population.

    3. Capybara on Runway Halts Operations at Santos Dumont Airport

    A capybara on the landing and takeoff runway at Santos Dumont Airport in Rio de Janeiro caused operations to halt for about an hour yesterday afternoon. The animal was captured by Infraero agents and returned to its natural habitat unharmed.

    4. Influencer Retrieves Capybara "Filó" after Ibama's Legal Action

    The digital influencer who rescued a baby capybara and named her Filó was fined by Ibama for illegal possession of a wild animal. After the case gained attention, the influencer committed to taking care of the capybara in an appropriate environment and managed to regularize its situation with the environmental agency.

    5. Capybaras: Learn More about the World's Largest Rodents

    Capybaras, friendly animals with calm habits, are the largest rodents in the world. They inhabit various countries in South America and play an important role in the ecosystem. To learn more about these fascinating creatures, visit the SOS Capybara NGO website ( and discover how we can protect them.

    6. Capybaras and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: Prevention and Care

    Although capybaras host the tick that transmits Rocky Mountain spotted fever, the disease can be prevented with simple measures. The São Paulo Municipality ( provides information about the disease and how to protect yourself, including the importance of avoiding tick contact and keeping the environment clean.

    7. Living in Harmony with Capybaras

    Capybaras are wild animals and, as such, should be respected and protected. It is important to avoid direct contact with them and not to offer food. In case of doubts or risky situations, contact the Environmental Police (

    8. Capybaras: Symbols of Brazilian Wildlife

    Capybaras are one of the symbols of Brazilian wildlife and represent the rich biodiversity of our country. It is important to preserve them and ensure that their natural habitat is protected.

    9. Capybaras in Popular Culture

    Capybaras are present in Brazilian popular culture in various forms, from songs and children's stories to memes and jokes. This presence demonstrates the cultural importance of these animals to Brazilian society.

    10. Capybaras: Ambassadors of Environmental Conservation

    Capybaras can be considered as ambassadors of environmental conservation, as they remind us of the importance of protecting nature and wild animals. Through environmental education and population awareness, we can ensure the preservation of capybaras and other species at risk of extinction.

    Ian Guedes

    Graduated in Psychology, Systems Development and MBA in Business Management from FGV, I am a constant learner, passionate about languages.

    #Technology #Agile #Dev


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