Ian Guedes, Mar 18th, 2024
Discover Toninho Tornado's peculiar language: 'Calabreso', 'Globelezo', 'Diademo', 'Borboleto' and other fun exchanges between 'a' and 'o' in his words.
We recently saw in the media (BBB 2024) a dialogue where one participant questions another about the use of a term:
"I just wanted to know what 'calabreso' is," said Leidy Ellin. "'Calabreso', what's 'calabreso'? Calabresa, but with ó: 'calabreso'," said Davi.
Just like in "calabreso," the comedian changes the endings of words and creates new ones, which have become the comedian's catchphrases.
"Calabreso" is a peculiar term without a clear meaning, popularized by comedian Toninho Tornado in his antics on the streets. Toninho uses this term to provoke and amuse people, changing the last syllable of certain words ending in "a" to "o". For example, he mentions "caldo de cano" (pipe broth), "salado de fruto" (fruit salad), and even "Diademo". In his videos, Toninho approaches strangers on the street in an irreverent manner, such as when he asked someone, "Tudo bem aí, Caraguatatubo?" (Everything okay there, Caraguatatuba?), by changing the last letter of "Caraguatatuba". Additionally, he plays with the names of celebrities, transforming them in his unique style, such as "Ludmillo," "Iveto Sangalo," and "Neymaro". After curiosity about the meaning of "calabreso" spread, Toninho Tornado made an official humorous statement to clarify the matter.
List of the main catchphrases you might hear from the comedian:
Graduated in Psychology, Systems Development and MBA in Business Management from FGV, I am a constant learner, passionate about languages.
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