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Mascara, Guy Fawkes, Historia


Ian Guedes, Mar 9th, 2024

Mascara, Guy Fawkes, Historia
  • Origin
  • Activism

The Guy Fawkes Mask: Symbol of Rebellion and Mystery

Discover the story behind the Guy Fawkes mask, an iconic symbol in pop culture. Explore its origins, the story of Guy Fawkes and interesting facts. Share this knowledge and understand the meaning behind the mask!

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The Guy Fawkes mask, with its pale face and sinister smile, has become a global symbol of rebellion and protest. But do you know the story behind this mask?

Guy Fawkes:

  • Born in 1570, Guy Fawkes was an English Catholic soldier who fought against the Protestant government of the time.
  • In 1605, he joined the Gunpowder Plot, a plan to assassinate King James I and blow up Parliament.
  • The plot failed, and Fawkes was captured, tortured, and killed on January 31, 1606.

The mask:

  • The mask that Guy Fawkes wore during the Gunpowder Plot was a Guy Fawkes mask, a type of generic mask used to conceal identity.
  • The mask became a symbol of the struggle against oppression and tyranny.
  • In pop culture, the mask was popularized by the character V from V for Vendetta, a masked vigilante who fights against a totalitarian government.


  • The Guy Fawkes mask is often worn at protests and demonstrations around the world.
  • November 5th, known as "Guy Fawkes Day," is celebrated in England with fireworks and burning effigies of Guy Fawkes.
  • The Guy Fawkes mask is a popular commercial symbol, appearing on T-shirts, mugs, and other merchandise.


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Ian Guedes

Graduated in Psychology, Systems Development and MBA in Business Management from FGV, I am a constant learner, passionate about languages.

#Technology #Agile #Dev


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