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Monitors: Complete Guide to Choosing the Right One for You!

Find the perfect monitor with our comprehensive guide! Discover technologies like IPS and Hertz, compare sizes and resolutions to make the best decision.

  • Technology

Ian Guedes, Mar 17th, 2024

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7 Fun Facts About Cats You Need to Know Before Having One!

Explore the world of feline mysteries! Discover surprising facts about your furry friends, from their obsession with crates to secret communication through meows.

  • Cats

Ian Guedes, Mar 14th, 2024

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Can Rice Really Save a Cell Phone that Fell in Water?

Discover the truth about the rice trick to save wet cell phones. This article explores whether it is effective or just a modern myth.

  • Myth or truth

Ian Guedes, Mar 10th, 2024

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Why Do Some Can Double and Others Can't?

Exploring the phenomenon of tongue-bending ability. Find out why some people can do the "U" and others can't. Get ready for surprising facts and curiosities about the subject!

  • Culture
  • Genetics

Ian Guedes, Mar 9th, 2024

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Does the Earth Rotate? Why Can't You Feel?

Understand why we don't feel the Earth spinning at 1,670 km/h in this article. Explore the physical principles, such as inertia and centrifugal force, behind the Earth's rotation and discover fascinating facts about this phenomenon

  • Physics
  • Nature

Ian Guedes, Mar 9th, 2024

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Cloud for everyone: AWS, Azure, GCP and Oracle side by side

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way companies store data, run applications and manage their operations. Among the main cloud service providers, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Oracle Cloud stand out. This article offers a comparative analysis of the services offered by these cloud computing giants, highlighting their similarities and the most widely used in the current market.

  • Technology
  • Cloud

Ian Guedes, Mar 4th, 2024

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But after all, Butter or Margarine?

There are those who prefer butter, there are those who prefer margarine, but after all, what is the difference between butter and margarine?

  • Cooking
  • Kitchen

Ian Guedes, Jan 5th, 2024

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Is your cell phone listening to you?

Have you ever felt like your cell phone is listening to your conversations? Explore the conspiracy theory about targeted ads.

  • Privacy

Ian Guedes, Dec 23rd, 2023

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Conspiracy theories are speculations that are not based on scientific evidence. They can be fun to read, but it is important to remember that they are not necessarily true. Before proving any conspiracy theory, it is important to do your own research and evaluate the evidence. It is also important to note that conspiracy theories can be used to spread misinformation and harm people.

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